From my experience on free online sex sites I’ve come across certain types of men and women. Today I’d like to talk about what I like to call; “The Veteran”. That is a guy who looks at women as ends in and of themselves. This is really revolutionary for most guys because we tend to look at women as a means to an end. What is the end? You jerking off. Seriously. You’re thinking: Jerking off? I have a partner. I'm fucking a tight hole and I'm cumming inside that hole. I'm not jerking off.

Well, you are because your attitude is such that you might as well be jerking off because the woman is just there, she’s a passive observer. She’s just an object. You might as well get a blow up doll and fuck the doll because it’s the exact same experience, at least from her perspective.

You have to remember that real sex means a two way communication. You’re not just communicating with words, you’re communicating with your complete being. You’re not just communicating with your genitals, you’re communicating with the warmth of your breath, the soft whispers, the way your skin touches each other, the way you look deeply into each others eyes, and most importantly, the electricity and passion of the moment.

If you are able to work with these natural by products of sexual interaction, you can both achieve a higher level of pleasure. Now, a higher level of pleasure is actually quite imbalanced when it comes to men and women. Men are like shotguns. You load the shell, you shoot it off, you wait some time, you load another shell, you shoot it off, and so on. Women are like machine guns. They orgasm back to back to back. That is nature’s gift to women and you have to respect that.

Your job is to work with her, not against her. You work with her to ensure that she gets that experience. A veteran knows how to do this because he looks at women as ends in and of themselves. He looks at every woman as if she is the only woman that was ever born, and will ever be born in this universe. That’s how much attention to detail he puts in because he truly cares about that woman at that particular point in time. She is the centre of the universe and guess what? She knows it.

That’s the difference between a veteran and a horny dude just out of college. A horny dude on online sex sites like will pour attention on a chick, but it’s the fucked up kind of attention. It’s like fucking freaky fixation. There’s a big difference between the two. So pay attention to how veterans look at chicks, identify them, whisper to them, and although you’re probably too far away to listen to what they actually have to say, pay attention to the behavior of the veteran. It will blow your mind